UN Publications catalogue
The UN Publications catalogue is a key bi-annual comms product listing the most important publications of the UN to an external audience of libraries, researchers, and the general public. I was the managing editor and designer for its Spring-Summer 2017 edition.
The UN Publications catalogue is a key internal tool for the Section as well, providing colleagues and sales agents with an overview of publications that are in the pipeline or require attention on the marketing front.
In my role as the managing editor and designer, I oversaw the creative brief and ensured on-time delivery to our end users. After coordinating the spread distribution, I allocated advertisement space, provided a creative cover design and visually compelling interior layout, and designed all ads.
By allocating space for our ads, we were able to highlight flagship publications and cross-promote other products for the Section, publications that are relevant to the current state of the world, or themes of UN conferences.
The product was delivered before the deadline and with feedback from sales agents praising its fresh look and feel.